221: Trading Places

This week my friend Christian Suddreth is trading places with regular co-host John Steinklauber. We’re reviewing social media, eating GoGurt from a bowl, listening to a six-year-old swear on accident, and drinking hot water.

This week’s clean comedy stories:

James feels like a homeless junky walking through Kingsland, Georgia at night. Christian’s mom updates her favorite firework 9 times. Christian tries to communicate to bad drivers through honk language. James’ son mispronounces his dog’s breed with hilarious results. James’ first world problem is taking pills with hot water. Christian’s friend’s co-worker pees himself over sheet music.

Listener stories:

Jaren pees at his Xylophone post. Quinn crushes his finger with a 60 pound barbell. An anonymous middle schooler calls in and we can’t tell what is supposed to be funny. Em experiences a Sonic employee who can’t read a compound word. Fred tries to sever his finger while working on a freezer. Noah learns that sometimes Kindergartners don’t want to ask a question… they just want the floor and professional sounding Veronica shares a great story about her father trying to text.

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