92: Elementary Horror

We have ingrown beards, disappearing babies, lonely grandmas, tie-died terror, corporal punishment and more!

Check out Geek Loves Nerd Podcast!

[00:29] Intro Song
[00:39] Intro (First Show of 2009)
[01:53] Opening Story ([22 Stitches to the head – Carlos)
[06:00] Sponsors
[07:27] James Weekly Update (Major Spoiler Song, James has a beard, Jenna’s mastered wii fit)
[17:25] Trevor’s Weekly Update (Daughter sleeps under the sheet without taking them off)
[21:28] LBB (The person that jumps the line when a new register opens up, Grandma is the LB because she kept shadow for months)
[27:54] News
{22:19] Middle School Drama (tarantula by the toilet, Audra- 4 or 5 dogs run into a fence, kidnapped by girls)
[37:31] Break
[38:15] Featured Story (Snoopy Tie Dye Shirt/ Glued on strip of paper, Hersey backpack dragged to death, Trevor beat up by a younger kid, Almost ate a caterpillar, Blocked the bird)
[59:58] Emails (coach Z – Added R’s Story, Julian – No clean Clothes Daina – Juvenile Arthritis Joint insults)

Notes – Running Joke, They’re Here, focus on the candle, She A magician Baby, The wildlife in Texas sucks, Leg Touchens, Not ready to be married

Created By: Megan Sheridan